There was a
run on Facebook about all those evangelists and how much money they make a
year. Here it is in all its glory, but glory for whom?
mentioned that they looked up all these people and found all but Benny Hinn to
be bad evangelists. I gave her my
account of how he gets his millions and she said that she was sorry and then I
gave a verse from the Bible, that is used every day, except for many
“Christians” though as I came to find out.
This is the
conversation and how it all went and watch how this person pulls other things
into the discussion and how she reacts to the verses that I used, very
I said this: “I believed in Benny for years. How
they all work (behind the scenes) is that they promise all your troubles will
be freed from you when you donate money. The first time that I did this it was
in the tune of about $250.00. The next time, when my problems didn't go away it
was a higher price and so with the third one....that is the hook because you
become so desperate at that point in time....Scam! The ONLY one who can take
care of your problems is YOU and all the answers are Within YOU.”
Their comment back was this: “Sorry that happened to you. It's
not "Benny" that heals (or any person for that matter).. it's Jesus.
So if someone is going to another person for healing and depending on that
person, they will be sorely disappointed. I do believe that God "uses"
people by anointing them with the gifts of the Holy Spirit (and even the gift
of healing), but we need to be careful to remember that it is God that heals.
Again, sorry that happened to you and I pray that the enemy doesn't use that
horrible experience to not believe in divine healing.”
I said this in response: “Well you have not read your bible
where Jesus specifically states where God and who God is. Sorry that you are
also wrapped up in that delusion. “And
having been questioned by the Pharisees, when the reign of God doth come, he
answered them, and said, `The reign of God doth not come with observation;
nor shall they say, Lo, here; or lo, there; for lo, **the reign of God is
within you.'**
And he said unto his disciples, `Days will come, when ye shall desire to see
one of the days of the Son of Man, and ye shall not behold it...
--Luke 17:20-22”
Their response: “you sound new age to me.
My response: “That came from the Bible, Did you
not see the scripture verse. I did not make it up or twist it around. It is in
black and white. If I be new age, then so was Jesus and not going to argue over
Their reply: “The Great Commission
"He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has
disbelieved shall be condemned. These signs will accompany those who have
believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new
tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it
will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will
My response: “So, what does that have to do with
the verse that I used that Jesus said?
Their response: “Believe in no one but yourSelf.
That is the message from Jesus. OH and I never said that I didn't believe, especially
why Jesus said that he is in our hearts and minds and all the answers are
Their response and the end of the
conversation: “CHRIST
in you, the hope of Glory, and that is not the same as believing in yourself.
That is believing in God who is in you. I will never believe in myself -- my stinking
flesh won't get me anywhere -- Christ alone and if Christ wants to work through
someone, it is still Christ alone.”
Truly whose
gospel is she being taught? I give her
something right from the Bible and she argues with me, turns the words around and
has her own (not her own, she has been indoctrinated), reasoning as to what it
clearly states in the Bible in the verse that I pulled from. I am not at all sure that, and I am assuming,
her clergy person and again I am assuming that it is Benny Hinn is teaching
I can pull up
other verses that strictly talk about what Jesus told us where God is, but I
didn’t do that with that person because I am wrong and I am a new ager. Some people will not get it until it is their
time to get it and all I can do is plant the right seeds. Weather they pick them up and they are
fruitful is up to them. If you do not
believe in yourself, then you will be used and abused and you will not get very
far in life.
I have come
to a crossroad in my life and I do not think that I can teach what I am
teaching you anymore. You know the
saying that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Well the teacher has appeared many times and
I wasn’t ready to learn. I did hear the
message though, just couldn’t get my head around it or cleared enough that I
could study it all. Well I am ready now because
I was shown the information yet again and I started to ask questions. Oh yeah I got the don’t debate stuff like I
always do, but this time I think that I handled it differently. Then again maybe it was meant to be and the
timing was right.
So I have all
this information and I am trying to understand it and how it is affecting my
Someone told
me that I should now be working on myself now that I have been putting things
in the past. I have my life story that I
am writing and of course many family members don’t like it. It is therapeutic for me to write these
things down. For one I never get to
speak up when it comes to my family. I
feel freer doing that and letting the past rest. Little did I know what that little sentence
and a caring friend would open a new chapter of my life. It is yet another door that has been opened.
Today is a
new beginning of my journey through this life and figuring out who I AM. I think it is a bit ironic that it comes on
Easter and Spring, where new beginnings are all around.
Now I have
seen and heard of all the things that the Bible means and I have been teaching
about what Jesus states in that Bible. I
know that not all books or stories have gone into that Bible that we have today
because like the book of Enoch, they didn’t put it in there because they didn’t
think people would understand what was in the book. So they hid it. Many things that are in that Bible are for
one purpose…to control the masses. I
have noticed that when I first started studying it long ago. I, too, have forgotten much of what I
read. I need to go back and re-read it
again and see it with a new set of eyes. I also understand about the
Alien/Ancients and what they knew. Lots
of the Bible is on the lines of a scientific approach when you ready to sit
down and understand just what it is trying to say and the hidden meanings of
things. It is confusing when all the
books are not there and some have been destroyed.
I was shown
this verse of the bible and was told what it means according to who we are. It opened my eyes really wide as I read it
and found out what has been missing and what I have been teaching and have been
taught. The question, that has been
around for a while now, won’t leave my brain….What if everything that you have
been taught is a lie? I have seen it
many times and never once did I think that I would be at the end of that
question. I went to bed with all this
new information and could not sleep.
27. Take a good look at verses 15 to the
end of the chapter.
Genesis 27
And it cometh to pass that Isaac [is] aged, and
his eyes are too dim for seeing, and he calleth Esau his elder son, and saith
unto him, `My son;' and he saith unto him, `Here [am] I.'2 And
he saith, `Lo, I pray thee, I have become aged, I have not known the day of my
death;3 and now, take up, I pray the, thy instruments,
thy quiver, and thy bow, and go out to the field, and hunt for me provision,4 and
make for me tasteful things, [such] as I have loved, and bring in to me, and I
do eat, so that my soul doth bless thee before I die.'5 And
Rebekah is hearkening while Isaac is speaking unto Esau his son; and Esau goeth
to the field to hunt provision -- to bring in;6 and
Rebekah hath spoken unto Jacob her son, saying, `Lo, I have heard thy father
speaking unto Esau thy brother, saying,7 Bring for me
provision, and make for me tasteful things, and I do eat, and bless thee before
Jehovah before my death.8 `And now, my son, hearken to
my voice, to that which I am commanding thee:9 Go, I
pray thee, unto the flock, and take for me from thence two good kids of the
goats, and I make them tasteful things for thy father, [such] as he hath loved;10 and
thou hast taken in to thy father, and he hath eaten, so that his soul doth
bless thee before his death.11 And Jacob saith unto
Rebekah his mother, `Lo, Esau my brother [is] a hairy man, and I a smooth man,12 it
may be my father doth feel me, and I have been in his eyes as a deceiver, and
have brought upon me disesteem, and not a blessing;'13 and
his mother saith to him, `On me thy disesteem, my son; only hearken to my
voice, and go, take for me.'14 And he goeth, and taketh,
and bringeth to his mother, and his mother maketh tasteful things, [such] as
his father hath loved;15 and Rebekah taketh the
desirable garments of Esau her elder son, which [are] with her in the house,
and doth put on Jacob her younger son;16 and the skins
of the kids of the goats she hath put on his hands, and on the smooth of his
neck,17 and she giveth the tasteful things, and the
bread which she hath made, into the hand of Jacob her son.18 And
he cometh in unto his father, and saith, `My father;' and he saith, `Here [am]
I; who [art] thou, my son?'19 And Jacob saith unto his
father, `I [am] Esau thy first-born; I have done as thou hast spoken unto me;
rise, I pray thee, sit, and eat of my provision, so that thy soul doth bless
me.'20 And Isaac saith unto his son, `What [is] this
thou hast hasted to find, my son?' and he saith, `That which Jehovah thy God
hath caused to come before me.'21 And Isaac saith unto
Jacob, `Come nigh, I pray thee, and I feel thee, my son, whether thou [art] he,
my son Esau, or not.'22 And Jacob cometh nigh unto Isaac
his father, and he feeleth him, and saith, `The voice [is] the voice of Jacob,
and the hands hands of Esau.'23 And he hath not
discerned him, for his hands have been hairy, as the hands of Esau his brother,
and he blesseth him,24 and saith, `Thou art he -- my son
Esau?' and he saith, `I [am].'25 And he saith, `Bring
nigh to me, and I do eat of my son's provision, so that my soul doth bless
thee;' and he bringeth nigh to him, and he eateth; and he bringeth to him wine,
and he drinketh.26 And Isaac his father saith to him,
`Come nigh, I pray thee, and kiss me, my son;'27 and he
cometh nigh, and kisseth him, and he smelleth the fragrance of his garments,
and blesseth him, and saith, `See, the fragrance of my son [is] as the
fragrance of a field which Jehovah hath blessed;28 and
God doth give to thee of the dew of heaven, and of the fatness of the earth,
and abundance of corn and wine;29 peoples serve thee,
and nations bow themselves to thee, be thou mighty over thy brethren, and the
sons of thy mother bow themselves to thee; those who curse thee [are] cursed,
and those who bless thee [are] blessed.'30 And it cometh
to pass, as Isaac hath finished blessing Jacob, and Jacob is only just going
out from the presence of Isaac his father, that Esau his brother hath come in
from his hunting;31 and he also maketh tasteful things,
and bringeth to his father, and saith to his father, `Let my father arise, and
eat of his son's provision, so that thy soul doth bless me.'32 And
Isaac his father saith to him, `Who [art] thou?' and he saith, `I [am] thy son,
thy first-born, Esau;'33 and Isaac trembleth a very
great trembling, and saith, `Who, now, [is] he who hath provided provision, and
bringeth in to me, and I eat of all before thou comest in, and I bless him? --
yea, blessed is he.'34 When Esau heareth the words of
his father, then he crieth a very great and bitter cry, and saith to his
father, `Bless me, me also, O my father;'35 and he
saith, `Thy brother hath come with subtilty, and taketh thy blessing.'36 And
he saith, `Is it because [one] called his name Jacob that he doth take me by
the heel these two times? my birthright he hath taken; and lo, now, he hath
taken my blessing;' he saith also, `Hast thou not kept back a blessing for me?'37 And
Isaac answereth and saith to Esau, `Lo, a mighty one have I set him over thee,
and all his brethren have I given to him for servants, and [with] corn and wine
have I sustained him; and for thee now, what shall I do, my son?'38 And
Esau saith unto his father, `One blessing hast thou my father? bless me, me
also, O my father;' and Esau lifteth up his voice, and weepeth.39 And
Isaac his father answereth and saith unto him, `Lo, of the fatness of the earth
is thy dwelling, and of the dew of the heavens from above;40 and
by thy sword dost thou live, and thy brother dost thou serve; and it hath come
to pass when thou rulest, that thou hast broken his yoke from off thy neck.'41 And
Esau hateth Jacob, because of the blessing with which his father blessed him,
and Esau saith in his heart, `The days of mourning [for] my father draw near,
and I slay Jacob my brother.'42 And the words of Esau
her elder son are declared to Rebekah, and she sendeth and calleth for Jacob
her younger son, and saith unto him, `Lo, Esau thy brother is comforting
himself in regard to thee -- to slay thee;43 and now, my
son, hearken to my voice, and rise, flee for thyself unto Laban my brother, to
Haran,44 and thou hast dwelt with him some days, till
thy brother's fury turn back,45 till thy brother's anger
turn back from thee, and he hath forgotten that which thou hast done to him,
and I have sent and taken thee from thence; why am I bereaved even of you both
the same day?'46 And Rebekah saith unto Isaac, `I have
been disgusted with my life because of the presence of the daughters of Heth;
if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, like these -- from the daughters
of the land -- why do I live?'

Comments to the above
“See the yh. Yup. Under a scope. It's. YX W X.
Or YHWH. The demiurge. Jacob. Don't get lost in their genie ology his story
names. Lol. When combining all ancient
text. We see the gu side of things. Why
and who KNGU is. Then one knows who ABSU is. As too being very adept at the
aforementioned LAN gu age. Also very adept in cuneiform. Where much is left out. Only to glorify the liar and thief. Jacob is a worm. Possess the bow els. In the
Kings chamber. The Anu. Or anus. Ass scenting. Ass ending. Ass troll
travailing. Where the bacteria dwell as
ass sended and took over the throne mind. Why it's called the temple of the soul or sol.
Why it's tied to the fair sun/son Jacob.
The transformer. How and what is the
dividing. Simon Peter said to him,
"Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life." Jesus said,
"I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may
become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make
herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven." (Gospel of Thomas, 114) in this life it is a woman's responsibility
to teach a man to love and man's responsibility to teach a woman reason….emotions
vs logic. More "goddess"
theology there. Man is both YX. Woman are xx. Without man there is no woMAN nor
FEmale. Woman can not make a male. See more ignorance as to what the rib or RNA
is and what that "story" entails. Once one learns about cell
structure and DNA. Then one sees how the ancients knew more about it than we
do. How much of these books are actually
diagrams as to what happened in our DNA. And what we must do to fix this
There is a
song that fits this situation that I am in at the present time. It is called STAND and it is by R.E.M.
Stand in the place where you live
Now face North
Think about direction, wonder why you
haven't before
Now stand in the place where you work
Now face West, think about the place
where you live
Wonder why you haven't before
If you are confused, check with the
Carry a compass to help you along
Your feet are going to be on the
Your head is there to move you around
So, stand in the place where you live
Now face North
Think about direction, wonder why you
haven't before
Now stand in the place where you work
Now face West, think about the place
where you live
Wonder why you haven't before
Your feet are going to be on the
Your head is there to move you around
If wishes were trees the trees would
be falling
Listen to reason
Season is calling
Stand in the place where you live
Now face North
Think about direction, wonder why you
haven't before
Now stand in the place where you work
Now face West, think about the place
where you live
Wonder why you haven't before
If wishes were trees the trees would
be falling
Listen to reason
Reason is calling
Your feet are going to be on the
Your head is there to move you around
So stand (stand)
Now face North
Think about direction, wonder why you
haven't before
Now stand (stand)
Now face West
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't
Stand in the place where you live
Now face North
Think about direction, wonder why you
haven't before
Now stand in the place where you work
Now face West, think about the place
where you live
Wonder why you haven't before
Stand in the place where you are (now
face North)
Stand in the place where you are (now
face West)
Your feet are going to be on the
ground (stand in the place where you are)
Your head is there to move you around,
so stand (stand in the place where you are)
I have been
here before too, a couple of times. This
time I am looking around me and putting things together so that eventually I
will resume teaching the right Gospel and the one above is not the right
one. So the question now is not What
Gospel Are They Teaching?.... but it should be, What Gospel Am I Teaching?