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Seasons Greetings

Merry, Merry, Celebrations!

I really do not care and am not such a selfish person to keep anyone from celebrating their holidays in the winter-time here in the northern hemisphere.  If you do and you think that is an OK thing to do them you may just stop reading this right now.  I care not to argue who is better than who or what holy person or thing that you worship over as you put down another.  That is not Christian of you and makes you the bully.

I used to belong to a group called Christians vs Non-Christians and all they did on that group was tear each other up and I quit that group a long time ago.  Today I still see the same things going on. Everybody wants to put themselves on some pedestal about being better than anyone else and will prove it to their death if need be.  No holy book tells anyone to do that in reality.  The one book and that I am accustomed to is the Holy Bible of Christianity.  Everyone has their own holy book that they use. Now throughout and before my journey in this world I have learned and read many things about many cultures and people's and beliefs.  The major thing with this is that one has to come out of the church to see and realize that none of those things real matter.  Really they do not.  All books and religions and belief structures all have the same things and none of it makes any one of them superior.

Oh lots of people will tell you that they learned from someone years ago about how to do this or that and be leaders of them and not others.;  Blaming and making oneself look and feel and act like they are better than another is putting oneself into the animal/flesh state of mind. In many books of religion all of them state somewhere that we are the ones and the only ones that hold responsibility for our own thoughts and actions and deeds.  Like in the Holy Bible, Jesus tells us who we are from our thoughts to our deeds and what happens in each of those and he tells us to be careful with our thoughts because he states that they will manifest into our reality. With those thoughts about others, there will be changes made so that your thought and wish or prayer can come into fruition.  Many have no idea that this happens.  So think about it.  What do you want and how is that effecting everything else.  What will the outcomes of those be and how will that come back to you.  Do you know?

So what is a Christian versus any other religion or belief?  Everything works the same why no matter what you believe in this world. Not many know or listen to that and they tend to blame others or them.  I learned this in a one day prayer/talk with that God that is Within my being and was shown what happens and made me think Did I do That?  Then came to me what else have I done and how to stop all those thoughts from coming back to me.  This happens to everybody when they sit and have a conversation with God the one that resides right inside of your mind/body and soul.  Do not go denying this and read the Bible for yourself.  Don't follow others because the Bible and Jesus teaches not to but to follow your own soul/self.  Many people have a feeling of what is right and what is wrong but many need to be taught this from other sources.  They need to be taught about the things that they think are evil or from Satan.  I was told by someone that children are to watch things that are Christian and not anything else.  That is a good way to teach, but there is a problem with only using that.  Everyone is born to be and do by someone before they choose to come to Earth.  Some will not be just like you want them to be.  What exactly is a "Christian" movie?
You teach them to stay out of trouble by the way that others have taught you in religion....right?  There are those that do not learn this and it isn't just by not going to church or being in a religion and then there are those that go to church and be in a religion that get the same kind of problems.  Religion in today is not the best path to be in.  Deny that all you want.
How to teach children like those is to get movies that you think are bad and then take that and get what the children think.  Talk to them about things such as that and then help them find a solution out of that kind of problem.  Don't go lecturing them or punishing them to go to church or read some bible verses.  That does not train them how to deal with a problem if and when it arises.  They need to think on why they did that in the first place. Prayer is good bu it only half the job. Meditating on why they did in in the first place and talking about the results of that is the best way. They need to realize and figure out how to get themselves out of that kind of situation and to learn to trust and have faith in themselves because that is where the God that Jesus teaches is.  It is not on the outside world.  It is how we think, what we think and how we react to those thoughts and deeds.  They need to know what happened and many time know the right questions to ask. We are as all like children ourselves.  Faith is the Trust we have in ourselves, because that is the God that God gave us all.  All of us, not just Christians.  We were all sent here to this planet to learn about ourselves and trust in that and have relationships in learning about ourselves.  We cannot make people change or do what others think it should be.  They have to come to those themselves. This goes with anybody no matter what pedestal they put themselves on.  We can offer solutions, but just like doing a bad things and not understanding why it is bad in the first place we will not change.  We have to know why it is bad, not that it just is bad.  We have to take the good with the bad because that is the only way that we grow and understand each other, especially our own minds and body. God said that everything was good when after he was finished making this world.  It is.  There is no evil and no Satan or bad guy.  They are here to teach us about ourselves. We cannot learn if there is no impetus to do. 

I also have been reading things that are talking about the end of the world.  Hasn't anyone taken seriously what the Bible says or even thought about what others have said?  Imagination/our thoughts rules our world and being that it does it changes what happens in each of our world  Lots of mystical people have said that for many years before Jesus or Mohamed, or lots of others.  Oh don't be afraid to learn about them too.They have shown themselves and come to the lives that we all lead to teach us this, but people who want control of others because they fear ...who knows what...stops us from living as we were set here to live.  Everyone has lessons to learn, no matter your status in life or your financial or your looks or color...everyone.  We all need each other...always.  Our world will never end like many that see that as the ultimate alternative.  It will not because of imagination and seeing a different future with our thoughts.  Think about the thoughts that you have and what has become of them....seriously.  The man that came to earth and the start of Christianity said to be careful with our thoughts because they manifest.  Now if you want to argue over that then go ahead without me.  If you think the world will end, then it will.........for you.  If you imagine a different world then that is what you will manifest eventually.  We are all designed to do this....everybody.  Fear mongering doesn't matter.  It is with those who can't handle what they think and those who want to make everyone think like them and like many religion's.  Heck they put fear in babies for their thoughts to be like theirs.  Come out of the church to see reality and let your dreams and thoughts heal. I have and I did not die and my brain did not explode, like some have told me.
Jesus, and many others, have told us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER as you love yourself.  Really think about that.  How do you love yourself?  Do you do so because you follow some man on a pulpit or read a certain holy book?  That is not what he meant.  Love yourself because that God that was put inside of you is there for you, not for another, but we are all connected because of what that God gave us in order to learn about what real love is.

To bring you back to the top, because I know that I go in tangents, but that is what the God Within me tells me to do. Everyone has their way of celebrating and the times they do so and this was set many years and generations before now.  God made them as well.  I get a bit disturbed when I see all the FACE BOOK memes going around how they tell others that not to take "Christ" out of Christmas.  Not one person on this planet can take anything out of what has been in to begin with.  Do love one another as you would love yourselves, but many don't have a clue as to what and how that works.

So I will say Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or whatever day you bless the Lord or who you celebrate for the one that is inside of us all.
Have a Great Celebration!!

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