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Jesus, He Was A Rebel With A Cause

Jesus was not the same man as the religious put him out to be.  Most things are not the same as the church wants you to believe.  He had family in Egypt and he was betroth to a Woman in Ethiopia.  He was born in Nazareth to a woman we hardly know anything about, where she came from or how she got pregnant or even if she had special powers like Jesus would have gotten his from. He was special.  He was raised by the Jewish Sect of the Essenes and they have strict rules for relationship between a married man and a women.  He was endowed with special gifts.  In the Bible it says that anyone who tells the future should be abandoned by their peers.  So some listened and some did not.  Those that did not had a problem with Jesus.  Do you wonder why and what else he did that was hidden from the Bible?  I do.

Many are scared to death to look into this stuff as they are told that they will go to hell if they do research on it.  Heck I have been told the I am bewitched.  In the book of Thomas there is an event that happened and was wrote about about a 6 year old the Jesus was supposed to have saved, only he didn't and the kid died.  That was the first instance that I had heard about in my researching.  Nobody wants you to know these things. Most of it is hidden within the words of the Bible and you have to sit back and read it for yourselves in a fresh light and with fresh eyes.

Now he said that he was born to help others but the Bible says it in a different way.  I also read that A Priest re-wrote that Bible with Hell in mind and to use that to scare the pants off of people.  So that being said.  Hell or Ghanna is a real place, but not what you think it is for. They put the bodies of all who died on crosses in the pits and burned them to a crisp.  Yes, Burned them for sanitary reasons, nothing more. 

Sin, also know as Pelusium, is also a real place too and Jesus was told not to go there.  Why was that? In the article it says that there would be a fire, a huge one. Well for one that city was on the bank of a lake.  Did he know that it was going to be on fire.  I bet he did know and who told him that?  The Church and Bible don't say much about that but it was a beautiful trading port.  Jesus was not dumb.  

Ezekiel 30:15-16
Sin is Pelusium, so called from the marshes around it, on the easternmost branch of the Nile, only two-and-a-half miles from the sea. It was the frontier city, ...And I will set fire in Egypt: Sin shall have great pain, and No shall be rent asunder, and Noah shall have distresses daily.

Jesus was also said the he was going to save every-one who believed in him and that he knew that he was going to die.  Of Course he knew that,  he was a rebel and coming across the Clergy of his time.  HIS TIME not our time.  He told people not to do the traditions of those Pharisees, (The main difference between the Pharisees and the Sadducees was their differing opinions on the supernatural aspects of religion.) and Sadducess,(The Sadducees were elitists who wanted to maintain the priestly caste, but they were also liberal in their willingness to incorporate Hellenism into their lives,) of what part of the world because not everyone knew of him. Oh he knew he was going to die for sure.  

Just like they did with Galileo. Do you remember or know why they did what they did to him with a different mindset?    But four centuries ago, the idea of a heliocentric solar system was so controversial that the Catholic Church classified it as a heresy, and warned the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei to abandon it. . and put him in House Arrest for the rest of his life. 
The truth about Galileo and his conflict with the Catholic Church

Same with Jesus!  Anyone who goes against church teaching usually have this problem and Jesus knew it.  It was not an accident and he knew that as well.

Jesus did not have a building to preach from as all the clergy of his time did and they still do and say that he was married to the church.  He did not like this at all and did rampage a church from the selling of goods in their building.  No sirree he did not like that at all and toppled all the money changer items onto the floor. Oh he was mad and the church doesn't tel you this either.  They say that we as a very nice person and perfect.  Perfect?  In what way?  He was a Rebel with a Cause and the cause was against his church teachings.

From a friends Facebook Time Line:
"There has been much talk about the Virus and things that they think it does and everyone who really believes it all takes the stand that it will kill them in the end. They have even gone so far as to say this is the Second Coming of Jesus The Christ."..."I just want to say that I have been hearing about the second coming of Christ and the events unfolding since I was a kid. The "Mark of the Beast", microchips, no cash/just plastic, Marshall Law, TOTAL Government dependency/control. When we are raising a family, working long hours, some two jobs, lots of things go unnoticed or just get ignored." .

The Second coming has been expecting for 200 times since Christ died and he is here...He is Within us all. That never meant the we all will live out lives in peace and harmony. It means the we all need each other to get there and back home. This world is not Hoe, it is the Learning place. Each of us has a treasure and an gift that we all have, but one and another has to show it in their ways, much like Jesus did the he was treated bad for but he did win, in his death and he went Home. We will all go Home and see this, everyone of us.

We are God. The DNA and RNA are the God WITHIN us and no you cannot take it out of you or anyone else and you cannot ignore it and you can't run from it.  We are made of some of Their DNA and have been experimented with for a very long time.  They were here first on this planet.


They have been dealing with us for a very long time. There is a part of our brain that is They were here and are here before us.  They are not going away anytime soon and our earth is not going to blow itself up and the people on this earth will never be wiped off of it, no matter what or who told you these things.  They don't build us up for nothing and they have programs that keep them up to date on your progress. We are their petri-dishes.  We will do things that will amaze us and things that will disappoint us as well.  You can be sure that we will not wipe out their experiments for ever.  We may die but we will always return in one way or another when things start going awry.

The rapture and the disappearance of so many people. Here is an article about You should read it. It was written by a friend of mine. The Pre-Trib Ratpure Is It Myth or Fact  Most people do not count those who have been born in any of these situations.  All they seem to do is harp on the deaths.  Well it is in death that we are on the way to being born as on of my photos show.

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